Among the most popular native shrubs of the Eastern U.S., Allegheny Serviceberry is a multiple-trunked tree or large shrub, with dense, fine-textured branching and smooth gray bark. It is distinguished from other serviceberries by the hairless foliage, purple-tinged new growth, and berries that are tastier and jucier. In spring, a profusion of five-petaled white flowers appear before the leaves open. The short but showy bloom period is followed by summer berries that turn from red to blackish-purple. The edible fruit attracts many birds in to feast. The fall foliage is also remarkable, ranging in color from golden-orange to red.
Serviceberry typically reaches heights around 25 feet, but in the right conditions and with a long life can reach 30 – 40 feet high. The growth rate of Serviceberry is moderate, with height increases of 1 – 2 feet per year.
Allegheny Serviceberry - 2025
18-24" inches tall
1 year old seedlings