Tree Sale Details & Disclaimers
Place your prepaid order through our Shop pages (link below). Packaged orders are to be picked up at the Saginaw County Fairgrounds Dog Barn, 11350 Peet Rd, Chesaning, MI on Thursday, April 17 between the hours of 10am-7pm.
Our staff and volunteers will ask for your name when you arrive, locate your order and bring it to you. You will be asked to verify that everything you ordered is included. Sometimes this involves opening the package up and repackaging. Mistakes do occasionally happen. We would much rather fix your order before you leave than have you find an issue when you're ready to start planting.
We will offer cash and carry on April 17th if there is any product left after preorders are taken.
Since we've had issues with connecting to the internet in the Dog Barn in the past, the only acceptable forms of payment during the cash and carry sale on April 17 will be cash or personal check. Checks returned due to insufficient funds will be charged a $25 servicing fee.
Review our policies below and feel free to call our office with any questions you don't find answered here. 989 781-1720 x5
No Guarantee
The Saginaw Conservation District does NOT guarantee survival of live plant material, all liability ends at distribution. Our products come direct to us from nurseries around the state. We treat the trees with much care during unpacking, bundling and repackaging. Tree roots are dipped in water mixed with root gel and packaged in bags.
Pick up April 17th
Orders not picked up on April 17th will be charged a $10.00 late fee if prior arrangements have not been made. Orders not picked up by April 23 will be made available for resale or donation and will not be refunded.
Bareroot means not potted
All products are sold bareroot and unpotted. You may be surprised at the size of your order when you pick it up. Since trees are sold bareroot and in a dormant state, we can fit a lot of trees in one bag. You won't need a trailer to pick up your order! An SUV with seats that fold down is almost always adequate. Pick-up trucks work well for large fruit tree orders.
Refund Policy
There will be no refunds or cancellation after the order deadline of March 31.
Although rare, sometimes the nursery makes last minute changes to our order. The Saginaw Conservation District reserves the right to cancel orders and to offer refunds or product substitution due to circumstances beyond our control.
Native Plant & Tree T-shirts
We are thrilled to offer Native Plant & Tree T-shirts for the first time in 2025. Orders for shirts must be placed by March 13th. Shirts can be picked up from our office April 7-11 or with your tree order on April 17 at the Saginaw County Fairgrounds.
Interested in Volunteering?
The Spring Tree Sale is made possible by the efforts of many volunteers. Volunteers help set-up, sort plants, pack orders and assist customers with loading their orders. It's a fun way to learn about plants and meet a community of growers. As a thank you, volunteers receive 5 conifer seedlings or 2 specialty shrubs of their choice!
Email saginawcd@gmail.com or call (989) 781-1720 Ext. 5 to register as a volunteer!
Planting Guides
Example 1-11 incorrect planting
Example 12 correct planting

Proper Fruit Tree Planting